Friday, October 27, 2017


''People will travel anywhere for good food - it's crazy.''                   (Blue colored letters are links.
                                                                                                                Exactly! If you                                                                                                                                                want to read about it more)
(By: Rene Redzepi)
Read more at:

"For Friday to morning to Saturday night I drop in some places here.
 You don't need to choose exactly from these 
   you can vote your own.If you like it
    Follow (y) You can Tweet me at 
   The Only messages mentioned
 to me will be counted. One person one time 
(Please: So please re-tweet to confirm Please, 
I demand seriousity. This is not a joke) country / 
place etc.Will be explored by the mostly
  voted country place."

"Lets take a short tour in the world and lets taste..ugh. I mean lets take a look at greatest foods in the world(Well it depends on what you find apetiteing.).
So moving on with this days Food.
are first country will be.... :"

(A1. Japan

                           Don't forget to vote for the next place, If you liked the pilot post. . : It can be other then these 3. You choose. (@ArghenonH tweet. and re-tweet to confirm please)

 (A2. Italy   

                           Don't forget to vote for the next place, If you liked the pilot post. . : It can be other then these 3. You choose. (@ArghenonH tweet. and re-tweet to confirm please)

   (A3. Jamaica

(So really It depends on you guys.
 So please re-tweet or just share it If you liked it. from 8 billiard people 1000 likes it in a week till the next episode at 11.03 Friday till 4 night. I think it worth it for you guys. If not. It happens maybe its low content I don't know.) Next "Episode" at 11.03 Friday till 4 night.'' anyway.

                                                                                                                   (By:    Arghenon.H)

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